Your path So different from mine Yet together We can offer support In myriad ways. We are like sentinel trees in the forest Each one unique and separate Connected by roots That grow gnarly and strong Able to withstand storms and drought. The light that fosters their growth Can be felt as we walk And […]
Shaw TV Interview – How I became the Life Story Writer
There is no greater gift than sharing the experiences and wisdom of a lifetime with family and friends. How do family members know who they are if they don’t know where they came from – their roots? But the challenge is in getting started.
In his book On Writing Well author William Zinsser said:
One of the saddest sentences I know is “I wish I would have asked my mother about that. Or my father. Or my grandmother, or grandfather”…
It is sometimes difficult to write about yourself in a detached manner that provides an interesting read for others. Many people put off this activity and never find the time. With some encouragement and a good guide, however, it can be a pleasant, rewarding journey to tell your own unique story.
I live on Southern Vancouver Island and can travel to record your memories of past events and the people who have made your life special. In the comfort of your home this process will be relaxing and enjoyable. It will no doubt be fun too. We will add photos and special documents if applicable, and then we will have your story professionally printed. What a gift – for you, your family, the next generations, and friends – can you imagine holding the book in your hands, seeing it on your coffee table, in your bookcase, reading stories to your grandchildren? It will be much cherished.
How often have you wished that your forebears had left written stories of their lives? A family tree may appeal to some, and facts may appeal to others, but stories are how we get to know people and the times in which they lived.
You may not think you have led an exceptional life, but I am sure that through this process, you will end up thinking otherwise. You will have fun, perhaps shed some tears, and remember details you may have forgotten, but overall, you will be thankful that you made this journey into your past. It will be the creation of a special legacy for your sons and daughters, grandchildren and great grandchildren, or friends; they will be so grateful that your stories are preserved. Don’t wait – give me a call and let’s get started.
Family and Friends
If you are a family member or friend, here’s the most special gift you will ever find for your loved one. Give the gift of a life story book to a beloved parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle or friend.
Retirement Gift
A book of photos and stories from coworkers makes an amazing and unique retirement gift.
Your Company History
Make it work for you! A short publication packed with personal anecdotes and interesting photographs can be an ideal gift for clients, and a wonderful coffee table book in your office. Highlighting projects and giving clients the opportunity to learn more about the special people who work on them can be a determining factor in developing trust. Posting the business memoir to your website will make your company stand out from all the rest!
But Nature more
There is pleasure in the pathless woods, there is rapture in the lonely shore, there is society where none intrudes, by the deep sea, and music in its roar; I love not Man the less, but Nature more. ~Lord Byron Words to be spoken slowly and enjoyed, as are walks in the woods, even in […]
It’s Only A Moment
In a photo, you can see and focus on the dark areas the mid-tones or the light. Learning to live life to the fullest means being able to accept it all That which you cannot do anything about That which you can do something about. Sitting and complaining and bemoaning is good Only for the […]
“That’s too Easy”
“Of all my children, you were always the hardest on yourself. You were always looking for the right way to behave, so concerned you might make a mistake. But, darling, there are no mistakes. There are only our wishes, our actions, and the consequences that follow both. There are only events, how we cope with […]
Happy Thanksgiving American Friends
A Gratitude Ritual by Debbie Ford The beautiful gifts of gratitude begin at home so today invite a healing to happen in your own body in your own consciousness in your own loving heart that feels blessed to be alive Notice all the riches you’ve been given the feet that allow you to stand the […]
Closed for the Day
Some days – even when the door is closed – we can still enjoy what’s right in front of us.
Nests in your hair?
“That the birds of worry and care fly over your head, this you cannot change, but that they build nests in your hair, this you can prevent. ~Chinese proverb Photo © Janice Henshaw 2015
Splash into the Incoming Tide
Discard like unwanted clothes, all thoughts of what you need, who you should be – just splash into the incoming tide and allow the cool silken waves to curl around your bare ankles – and wait for it – the delicious harmony of being fully alive in this moment, without wishing for anything different. […]
A Big Challenge – July 23, 2012
July 23, 2012 A big Challenge As I turned the ignition key, the engine responded with that noise telling you and everyone else listening, it just doesn’t feel like starting so early in the morning. The noise was so loud; I hated to think of what my fellow campers were calling me right at this […]
Why bad things happen to good people?
“Is there an answer to the question of why bad things happen to good people?…The response would be…to forgive the world for not being perfect, to forgive God for not making a better world, to reach out to the people around us, and to go on living despite it all…no longer asking why something happened, […]
Finding your way out of the depths
The most beautiful people I’ve known are those who have known trials, have known struggles, have known loss, and have found their way out of the depths.” – Elisabeth Kübler-Ross Photo Super Moon Oct 2015 © Janice Henshaw
Adventures – and living life
“May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view.” Edward Abbey During my travels, I have often been lost. And sometimes upset and fearful and angry at myself, thinking, “Wow, you’ve really done it this time. Why the heck didn’t you bring a compass, and why didn’t you take the […]
Small Miracles are Everywhere
Taking a refreshing deep breath and a moment to look for small miracles in our day can make a whole lot of difference! I noticed in the grocery store that people were keeping their distance, but forgetting to smile at each other. We don’t have to look so grim! Exercise those lips and the lovely […]
The other side of fear
We are born without any fear. As we grow, we learn to dress in layers of popular fears, there are so many to choose from. We try fears on to feel if they fit, and breathe them in, and make them ours. We often share them with others. We may have generalized anxiety, or trauma […]
Looking clearly and compassionately at ourselves
“The only reason we don’t open our hearts and minds to other people is that they trigger confusion in us that we don’t feel brave enough or sane enough to deal with. To the degree that we look clearly and compassionately at ourselves, we feel confident and fearless about looking into someone else’s eyes.” ~Pema […]
Almost 2,400 years ago
Almost 2,400 years ago Aristotle identified effective values in living a good life, strength of character that include honestly, kindness, self-control, and courage. The “good life,” according to Aristotle, is defined by acting in accordance with these values – which he called virtue- over and above the influence of fleeting feelings and desires. All decisions […]
A new path – and sunlight in November
This has to be one of the most beautiful Novembers we’ve had in a long time. Today while walking I met the same fellow I met yesterday going to the park. But today I remembered to take off my bike helmet after my ride. I wonder what he thought yesterday seeing me walk Baloo along […]
Hiking and bears – Waterton Lakes National Park – Aug. 7, 2012
Tues, Aug. 7th Waterton Lakes National Park After the blissful start to a day of sunshine, coffee and breakfast the first thing on my agenda was to drive out to the Red Rock Parkway. It is fifteen miles through the Blakiston Valley, and follows an ancient bison trail. Along this route, there is a great […]