Last Sunday I was ready for a walk even though it was really cold (for us west coasters that is) and I decided to drive down to Whalebone Road and start from there. It is so much fun to walk somewhere new, enjoying each step, with no particular destination or time limit – without knowing […]
Articles posted by Janice Henshaw
Fairy Lake Blueberry pancakes and my new inverter
FAIRY LAKE Sunday, July 8 Blueberry pancakes for breakfast with maple syrup and butter, and orange juice, yum! I have a warm camp fire burning to keep me warm because the fog is still in and it is cool. I can’t even see across the lake this morning. As the sun came up and burned […]
“A bird doesn’t sing because it has an answer…”
In looking at the calendar it’s been just over a month since I decided to take my camera on walks with me and look for the light each day in whatever form it might appear. Some days I forgot my camera, or burdened with thoughts, I saw nothing. On other days I found so many […]
Happy Thanksgiving American Friends
A Gratitude Ritual by Debbie Ford The beautiful gifts of gratitude begin at home so today invite a healing to happen in your own body in your own consciousness in your own loving heart that feels blessed to be alive Notice all the riches you’ve been given the feet that allow you to stand the […]
The day I fell in love with my 14 foot travel trailer
July 9, 2012 When I look at my shiny little trailer I can’t really believe it is mine. I had done so much searching of ads online and studying articles on what to buy. First I thought of a truck and camper, but I didn’t like how it couldn’t be left behind, I couldn’t set […]
“We need so much less than we think, and think so much more than we need”
I have the bad habit of turning on the stove to heat a pot of water for my coffee bod and then forgetting about it. When my glasses start to get misty, I look up from my computer and realize that it’s too late – I have to start the process over again, add more […]
There are two ways of spreading light
There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it. Edith Wharton
Which path shall I choose?
As I walked through the forest this morning I saw the sun shining in a grassy glade nearby. I crunched over the frost hardened grass and admired the sun beam as it lit up the grass like a pathway, level, direct, and over easy ground. The thought occurred to me – wouldn’t it be lovely […]
Rejoice in the way things are
Be content with what you have, rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.” Lao Tzu