Ah, a dark drizzly grey day that makes
It easy to sit back
And feel sorry for ourselves.
Just yesterday we thought
We had all our little yellow duckies
Lined up perfectly
in a row.
And then some huge obstacle
Morphed out of nowhere and whacked us
On the side of our head.
Isn’t it fabulous?
It throws us off pace and we spiral down
Into that dark uncertain place
of discomfort, and unknowing,
slumping under the heavy cloak
of anxiety, and fear
– of want.
Oh yes,
This day sucks big time.
The words rush in unbidden
It’s not fair! Why me?
If only others knew how tough my life is.
But finally, just like on all those other days
The sun sets
And soon enough it rises again.
Giving us a whole new opportunity
To face that life shaking thing
That looms in front of us.
The one that has the capacity to give us
So much in return – once we’ve
Had time to breathe, find our balance
Make the right choices
Shout Yahoo! And get out our rusty old mattock
To dig deep for courage.
Then we’ll be ready to bushwhack a new path
Around it, through it
Under it, or over it
Whatever it takes.
And then,
well, who would have known
that a whole new chapter to our story
whether we are ready or not.
-Janice Henshaw
Photograph ©Janice Henshaw 2014